Jumat, 17 September 2010

It was jus' so pretty outside today...

...that I took a minute (and that's all I had - a minute) to snap a few pics.
We've got pumpkins...

...and gourds...

and "jack - b - little" pumpkins...

...sweet lil' baby Indian corn (large bunches also)...

...I love my tub I rescued from a friends basement...

...my pretty red dahlia peeking over the fence...

...love my big basket filled with millet, kale and mums...

..."climbing black-eyed susan" literally climbing everything in sight - and deciding it makes a nice seat cushion in my red wood chair...

...this pretty purple cabbage is about to start to show off -
...my rusty metal pumpkin...

...my rusty metal chair - I think I have a crush on rust...

...and my sweet potato vine still going strong makes a nice backdrop for a volunteer marigold - the orange is perfect for fall - so glad it decided to take root right there.

...I hope you all are getting your place all "gussied up" for fall.
Have a beautiful weekend - and plant something!

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